Earn BitTube watching YouTube videos with this redirector extension. Also adblocks all YouTube inline advertising.
Tube Tunnel is a browser extension that signals a user of youtube.com to whether the video they are currently watching is available to 'tunnel' on and (proxy) through bit.tube. It then gives the user the opportunity to choose to watch the video whilst earning Airtime and removing all adverts from the original YouTube source video. It also serves as a great youtube proxy if you cant access youtube for any reason, simply go to my page and use the search page and click the youtube video to view it directly through bit.tube - thus bypassing the youtube domain name and feed. The extension will only seek access to information on the youtube.com page you are visiting, it requires no other access to any other data making this safe to use. Bit Tube? Bit Tube is a 'video portal' much like Youtube, allowing people to upload and share their videos as well as hosting professional channels and live streaming services. Very simply put - Unlike youtube everyone using BitTube gets a share in the revenue available. The reward is split 80% to the creator and 20% to you - the viewer. Thats right you get paid in TUBE to simply watch videos as normal. $TUBE = Real cash? TUBE is a crypto currency, its the token behind bit.tube. It can be bought and sold on exchanges like . There is every possibility that the value of TUBE could go up or down. Ad free! Ad Blocker! Both Tube Tunnel and the video you have Tube Tunnelled will be free of ads - forever. This means you wont have to run for the volume control every-time a youtube video which would normally be interrupted by a creator or youtube 'in-play' adverts. How is this service paid for? What no ads? Yes thats right - no ads, creators of videos tunnelled to bit.tube are paid in TUBE (the currency behind BitTube) - even if the video was no previously on BitTube. If a youtube creator has not opened a BitTube account they will be informed that their video has been watched (anonymously) and how to collect their payments. Please note that this is NOT the official bit.tube 'Airtime' extension (see my website for the official url) - This is a 'lite' extension - requiring no further setup or information and giving users access to redirect youtube videos through bit.tube for airtime earnings.