Дорогой ПриватБанк. Когда год назад у меня украли с карточки деньги, я вам сказал - у вас проблема с уязвимостью.
Расписал на пальцах, какая. Посоветовал нанять людей и устранить её.
Заверений была масса. Деньги возвращали полгода.
Сегодня утром я просыпаюсь, и узнаю, что у меня ровно по той же схеме украдены ровно таким же образом не просто деньги - а несуществующие деньги.
Уважаемый @ПриватБанк. Нижайше прошу объяснить, каким, собственно, образом с дебетовой карточки, на счету которой есть 1 (прописью большими буквами - ОДИН) доллар, и установлен лимит оплаты в два доллара - списано 158 долларов?
Вот как это могло произойти в принципе?
Каким вообще образом дебетовую карту можно загнать в минус?
Покажите мне этих удивительных работников.
Я хочу с ними познакомиться.
Почему ваш консьерж-сервис опять, в двадцать пятый раз, начинает заводить всю ту же пластинку, что это мы сами могли нечаянно оставить свои реквизиты в городе Хьюстон, округ Харрис, штат Техас, Соединенные Штаты Америки, куда и украли мои несуществующие деньги с дебетовой карты с одним долларом на счету и лимитом оплаты в два доллара, вместо того, чтобы сразу начать решать проблему. Почему вся страна через иск к Привату должна теперь Коломойскому 7,5 млрд, а Бабченко еще и персонально - 158 долларов, которых у него, блядь, даже не было. Каким образом я мог залезть в долги вашему многоуважаемому банку на сумму, превышающую мои долларовые активы примерно так в 158 раз. Спасибо, хоть не десять тысяч. Или не сто. А то, знаете ли, было бы крайне неприятно проснуться одним прекрасным утром, и узнать, что теперь ты должен банку сумму, превышающую стоимость обеих твоих почек, и так, к тому же, слегка подпорченных пивом.
Был бы весьма глубокоуважаемопризнателен за получение ответов на эти вопросы, по своей загадочности не уступающие вопросам Большого Взрыва и кота Шредингера.Нет, ну правда. Меня крайне интересует вопрос, как вы умудрились проебать свои же деньги с моей дебетовой карты, на которой их не было?
Так же еще раз нижепреклоненнейше хочу указать на уязвимость в вашей схеме оплаты, второй раз намекнуть, что, скорее всего, кто-то где-то в каком-то офисе, кто имеет доступ к возможности изменения настроек карты клиентов, просто сидит и ворует деньги клиентов и еще раз настойчиво посоветовать заняться решением этой проблемы.
Ни с одними другими картами, реквизиты которых у меня так же лежат в открытом доступе, таких проблем не возникает.И, да, всераспростертейше полагаю, что в этот раз возврат украденных у меня ваших же денег займет промежуток времени, значительно меньший, чем полгода.
Жду ответа, как соловей лета. Синсерли йорс, Ваш клиент Аркаша.
SPB.AIF.RU попытался разобраться, кто прав, а кто виноват в этой странной и запутанной истории.
Пост о мошенничестве
Пост в «Живом журнале» с обвинениями в мошенничестве был написал главредом интеллектуальной телепередачи «Кто хочет стать миллионером» Ильей Бером 12 февраля. Там он подробно описал, как незадолго до записи программы Александр Друзь позвонил Беру и попросил передать правильные ответы на вопросы в обмен на долю от выигрыша в три миллиона рублей. По словам Бера, за все 10 лет его работы на передаче ни разу не был нарушен принцип честной игры. То есть, ни один участник, каким бы звездным и известным он ни был, не знал ответы заранее. «Вплоть до ноября прошлого года, когда ко мне обратился Александр Друзь с предложением помочь ему выиграть три миллиона рублей», — уточнил Илья Бер.
"The voice on the recordings is mine." Druze responded to allegations of fraud
SPB.AIF.RU tried to figure out who is right and who is to blame for this strange and confusing story.
Post fraud
The post in LiveJournal with accusations of fraud was written by the chief editor of the intellectual television program "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" Ilya Ber on February 12. There he described in detail how, shortly before the recording of the program, Alexander Druz called Beru and asked him to send the correct answers to the questions in exchange for a share of the gain of three million rubles. According to Beer, in all 10 years of his work on the program, the principle of fair play has never been violated. That is, no participant, no matter how stellar and famous he was, did not know the answers in advance. “Up until November of last year, when Alexander Druz addressed me with a proposal to help him win three million rubles,” clarified Ilya Ber.
The recording of the program “Who wants to be a millionaire?” With the participation of well-known experts Alexander Friends and Viktor Sidnev took place on November 23, 2018. “He offered to share money if he won the main prize of the program ... He said that it was time for him to win three million and I can share some of them. He did not say these words, but the hint was completely transparent, ”the chief editor of the program wrote.
After this conversation, Ilya Ber began recording conversations with the owner of the Diamond Owl and the six Crystal Owls. In total, he published four audio recordings of his talks with a man who spoke the voice of Friends. During these conversations, he read to the interlocutor questions to the game show and the answers to them. “During the conversation, he offered me a third of the maximum winnings, saying that he would arrange everything with Sidnev,” Ilya assured.
Ber, according to his confession, decided to give the player a part of real questions with answers in order to obtain evidence of the fact of fraud. The rest of the questions submitted to him since the 10th, he subsequently replaced by others. Recall to pick up three million in the game, you must correctly answer 15 questions.
Who is a rogue?
That was not the end of Beer's revelations. In his post, he continued:
“At the shooting, everything happened almost as I expected. It was not so that the players actually nearly won three million, mostly due to Sydnev’s efforts. But from the 6th to the 9th question, they played on issues known to Friends. And this is a fact. On the one hand, it turned out that I passed, though not decisive, but the real game questions to the player and he played them, this is bad. On the other hand, at any moment he had the opportunity to stop filming - this is not a live broadcast - and declare that the editor of KHSM is a crook and turned him in to the questions of this game. Theoretically, I could not rule out the option that Friends himself wrote everything down and for some reason catches me. But no, nothing happened. But after the appearance of the unfamiliar 10th question, the Friends noticeably faded, and further Sydnev showed activeness ”.
Ber emphasizes that he never quarreled with Druze, and he has no motive for personal vengeance. At the same time, according to him, for about 15 years he “knows that Alexander Druz is an unscrupulous person, dishonest and, in general, speaking frankly, a crook”. He also understands that such a sharp statement can seriously ruin his life, since Druz is a quantity, and he “no one is a nouneym.”
Exactly the opposite
Post fraud charges against one of the most respected experts "CPP" had the effect of a bombshell. About him immediately started talking across the country. But on February 12, Alexander Druzya was impossible to get through. He disappeared from the information space. SPB.AIF.RU contacted him only a day after the release of the indictment letter of Ilya Beer.
"It was Ber who offered me a deal with questions for money, and I decided to play along with him," the expert admitted. - The voice on Beer's records is really mine, and I don’t intend to hide it, but Ilya Behr told the story exactly the opposite. It was he who offered me a deal with questions for the money, which I will pay him with the winnings. ”
The master said that he decided to see how far Ilya Ber could go in trying to bribe and diligently played along with him. He spoke about the situation to Viktor Sidnev and they decided that “if the game contains those questions that Ber spoke about, then bring the survey to the 15th question, but never win it and report the leadership of the Millionaire.”
“However, everything turned out to be more difficult, the last five questions did not coincide,” continues Alexander Abramovich. - We just played them and won. The last question, as we agreed with Sydnev, we did not give the correct answer, although when the question was answered, I realized that I knew the correct answer, because for this chess problem I did a question for one of the “What?” Tournaments. Where? When?". Looking back, I understand how stupid I did, trying to outplay Ber. I'm sorry it happened. ”
Long-term captain of teams of experts and partner of Friends, Viktor Sydnev, also did not stay aside from the scandalous history. He said that on the day of the shooting, Ber proposed “to hand over questions in exchange for a part of the winnings,” but the experts refused the offer. “Having learned the situation, I said that we would not participate in it and that Sasha would in no way call Beru about this. It seems that Bera's goal is to personally discredit Friends. ”
Fire accusations
Ilya Ber immediately commented on the statements of both participants of that ill-fated program "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire":
“I said in my post that the first question that may arise in connection with this story is that I myself and the villain provoked Friends, and there I answer this question. My reaction is very sad, first of all, not to the words of Druze, but to the words of Sidnev. This is a very sad news for me. And what Druz says is lies and baby talk, it is difficult for a rational person to believe this. At the same time, he confirmed absolutely all the facts that I gave in my post, which I, of course, am pleased, because I don’t have to prove anything at the level of the mounted records. ”
The situation with an attempt to fraudulently win three million in a popular TV program is only gaining momentum. There is no doubt that many more fiery arrows will fly in the form of accusations from both sides. It is curious that both Ber and Druz describe the nuances of their "informal" communication just before the shootings in exactly the same way. It remains only to find out from whom it was based on unscrupulous proposal disclosure of the correct questions to the answers.We will find out soon!