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вівторок, 15 січня 2019 р.

В Сумах разрисовали офис партии "НАШИ" - мараева👉🏻😂 15.01.19г.


Our (youth movement)

Flag of the movement "Our"
Nashi   ( Our Democratic Youth Anti-Fascist Movement ) is a pro-Kremlin youth movement created in Russia on the initiative and with the support of a number of representatives of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation and supported personally by Vladimir Putin . "Ours" was actually the only youth movement in modern Russia, whose activists Vladimir Putin met regularly. The last such meeting was held at the presidential residence. The creation of numerous youth movements in 2005–2006 was a kind of reaction of the Russian authorities to the “ Orange Revolution ” in Ukraine and to the role that young people played in it.
Opponents call the activists of the organization Nashi “Nashists” (by analogy with the Nazis and Nazis ), and the organization itself as the “Putinyugend” (by analogy with the Hitler Youth [1] ). It should be noted that the expression “Nashi” is much older than the organization: it appeared in 1991 , after the release of the documentary film by Alexander Nevzorov “Ours” and the creation of the movement of the same name by Nevzorov. [2] In Ukraine in the early 2000s, proponents of the pro-Russian course of development called “Nashists” supporters of the pro-Ukrainian party, Our Ukraine . [3]

Appearance history

New project

On February 21, 2005, the newspaper Kommersant, in an article entitled Ordinary Nashizm, for the first time reported that the Presidential Administration was developing a project to create a new youth movement designed to replace the Going Together movement . According to the newspaper, on February 17, 2005, the Nashi activists in St. Petersburg — 35-40 young men, who were entrusted with the role of “commissars” of the new movement — met the deputy head of the Administration, Vladislav Surkov , who was rumored to promise activists to create a new political force on the basis of the movement. by 2008 , perhaps, could become a new party in power. Vasily Yakemenko also took part in the meeting. - the ideologue of the movement "Going Together", who led the new project. The article stated that the organizers plan to bring the total number of movements to 200–250 thousand. [4]

Conference of the Moscow branch of "Our"

February 28, 2005 on a news site Independent newspaper reported that the 26 - 27 February 2005 in Solnechnogorsk ( Moscow region ) on the territory of the rest house "Senezh", belonging to the Office of Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation, in an atmosphere of secrecy under the direction of Vasily Yakimenko held a conference of the Moscow branch "Our". The congress at Senezhe was the first stage in the construction of the Moscow cell. [five]

Yakemenko statement

On March 1, 2005 Vasily Yakemenko , leader of the Going Together movement, officially announced the creation of the Nashi anti-fascist youth movement. Through news agencies, a statement was issued that "on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the victory of Russia in the Great Patriotic War, a number of regional youth organizations took the initiative to create an anti-fascist political movement."
Following Yakemenko’s statements, Russian news agencies began to receive similar statements by “initiative groups” in regional cities informing them that they had joined the “OUR” all-Russian youth anti-fascist movement.

Founding Conference

The founding conference of the movement "Nashi", which had invited about 700 delegates (mostly primary students university students) from 30 regional cells, conducted on April 15 2005 in the concert hall of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the background of Russian flags, portraits of Yuri Gagarin with a stick and a red- white banners. Most of the conference was held behind closed doors.
The movement was led by five “federal commissioners”, one of whom was Vasily Yakimenko, who simultaneously left the post of head of the movement “Going Together” .
As Yakemenko stated, the new movement views Russia "as the historical and geographical center of the world" [6] , the freedom of which is threatened by the "unnatural union of communists, fascists and liberals united by a common hatred of our president Vladimir Putin ." “Ours” will continue the struggle for the elimination of the “regime of oligarchic capitalism”, which is “not free and unfair”. Thus, they intend to support the challenge, as they consider, to oligarchs by President Putin.
The draft of the manifesto “Russia is a megaproject of our generation” adopted by delegates denotes a common enemy: “fascist organizations, sympathetic liberals, bureaucrats and oligarchs”. These, according to our movement, include Vladimir Ryzhkov , Irina Khakamada , Garry Kasparov , who, as OURS declare, “certainly sympathize with the fascists. Only one thing binds them - hatred of Putin. ” [6]As for Putin himself, judging by the manifesto, he is a friend of Ours, worthy of help and sympathy: “The tragedy of Putin and the whole country is that Russia does not have another bureaucracy. The question of the unity of Russia is the question of changing the generations of leaders. Our generation should change the generation of the defeatists at the helm. We must infect society with a sense of historical optimism, faith in Russia's prospects. We must make fun of despondency and dependency. ”
Among well-known political figures, the conference was attended, besides Vasily Yakimenko, by the Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko , Tver Region Governor Dmitry Zelenin and TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov .

The structure and composition of the movement

The organization is managed by the Federal Commissioner (5 federal commissioners elected by secret ballot at the annual convention held in April). The current (2009) official leader of the movement is Nikita Borovikov.
The whole asset is divided into areas: mass actions, analytics, ideology, journalism, anti-fascism, as well as areas created for the implementation of specific projects - “OUR army” (designed to solve the problem of bullying in the army), “OUR children” (engaged in orphanages) and etc.
One of the promising areas in the structure of the movement is called the "Voluntary youth brigade" (DMD). This direction is intended to restore the institute of voluntary national teams in Moscow and other regions of Russia. [7] However, opponents of the movement suggest that the DMD is a “power sector”, which has a hidden task - to follow discipline and law and order within the movement itself, as well as to provide forceful resistance to attempts of provocations by political opponents.

Ideology of movement

The stated goal of the movement is “to help make Russia a global leader in the 21st century.”
To achieve this goal, three tasks were put forward:
  1. Preservation of the sovereignty and integrity of Russia.
  2. Building a functioning civil society.
  3. Modernization of the country through a personnel revolution.
It has been repeatedly noted that the most important task of the movement is to organize a “personnel revolution” in Russia for the new generation of managers to come to power, since “the generation that has run the country since the 1980s has lost faith in Russia and its prospects”.
The emblem of "Ours" - a white cross on a red background (similar to the St. Andrew's flag ). In an interview with the newspaper Novye Izvestia, Yakemenko explained: “Our flag is like the St. Andrew’s flag. Red is the color of our historical past, white is the color of the future. ” [eight]
The movement pursues tactical goals, among which the organizers call "preventing the Ukrainian version of the change of power in Russia ".


Federal Commissioner Mikhail Kulikov says the following about the financial sources of the movement: “Most of our ideas have found a response from Russian businessmen. I am confident that the domestic business understands that the future of Russia is a new generation ” [9] .
Vasily Yakemenko adds: “The moral support of the Kremlin allows us to say to businessmen: guys, we need money for a national project.” [10] At the same time, it was initially emphasized that the creation of the movement was approved by Vladimir Putin .

According to the officially not confirmed information of the magazine “Kommersant-Vlast”, on average per month in 2007, funding for one regional department took from 20 to 30 thousand dollars. [eleven]
For the needs of the DMD direction in Moscow in the summer of 2007, amounts up to 10 thousand dollars were requested, in other cities from 1 thousand to 7 thousand dollars. [eleven]

Nashi and Putin

"Our" in a meeting with Putin.
After the closure of the first summer camp of the Nashi youth movement on Lake Seliger ( Tver Region ) on July 26, 2005 , Russian President Vladimir Putin invited 56 best commissars of the movement to his residence in Zavidovo.
Informal meeting in the presence of TV correspondents lasted more than two and a half hours. The President thanked the activists for the actions - the march of 60 thousand young people in honor of the 60th anniversary of the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War, which passed along Leninsky Prospect of the capital of Russia on May 15, 2005, and the opening of the All-Russian Center of Civil Society in Chechnya on June 30 . According to the leader of the movement Yakemenko, Putin noted that "this is one of the best examples of the current civil society in Russia." The president called “Ours” “an active minority that will lead the majority”, and expressed the hope that members of the movement will be able to “influence the situation in the country.”
The first All-Russian gathering of commissars and supporters of the Nashi movement took place on the shores of Lake Seliger from July 11 to 25, 2005. In the campground, three thousand activists from 45 regions of Russia went in for sports, learned to “survive in extreme conditions” and participated in informational events. Nashi was attended with lectures by the deputy head of the presidential administration, Vladislav Surkov(who promised “Ours” to “hand over the country to them”), the head of the Effective Policy Foundation Gleb Pavlovsky (who wished activists of a greater “stiffness” movement, ready to “disperse fascist demonstrations and physically resist attempts at an anti-constitutional coup "), Governor of the Tver Region Dmitry Zelenin , GovernorKrasnodar Region Alexander Tkachev , Member of the Federation Council Mikhail Margelov, State Duma Deputy Andrei Kokoshin .
Earlier ( May 30, 2005), the president had already hosted 12 activists of the Nashi movement in the Kremlin, and before them, the activists of the Going Together, who were also headed by Vasily Yakimenko. Leaders of other youth organizations did not receive this honor.
According to some political scientists, such meetings clearly outlined the priorities of the Russian leadership in youth policy - the creation of a power reserve of power in case of a “color revolution” . Yakemenko expressed confidence that the open support of the president would allow his movement to count on increased material support from Russian businessmen and politicians.
After 2005, Nashi’s meetings with Putin became regular. Delegations from the movement went to meetings with the president every summer, after the end of the gathering on Lake Seliger. In 2008, when the Forum on Lake Seliger was visited by 10 thousand. man, it was expected that Putin will visit the camp personally. This did not happen, but in return the president made an unprecedented gift - he recorded a personal video message to the participants of the Forum, in which he stated that they all belong to the President’s team, and perhaps the future head of state is among them. [12] [13]

"Our" - "anti-fascists"

December 22, 2005 Vasily Yakemenko announced that the movement he leads is launching a campaign against racism and xenophobia . As part of this campaign, foreign students studying in Russia, mainly from African and Asian countries, with the support of activists of the movement, conducted so-called friendship lessons in schools, telling schoolchildren about the traditions and culture of their peoples. The campaign’s culmination was to make the anti-fascist carnival “Russia - the capital of the world” with the participation of over 100 thousand people, for which, according to Yakemenko, on March 26, 2006, the Moscow Garden Ringcould be blockedHowever, two weeks before the festival, it was announced that it would be postponed to the fall (in the end, it never took place) - officially, due to problems with transportation and safety of the festival participants. It was, however, expressed the opinion that the movement’s curators from the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation ceased to organize the excessive activity of the leaders of the movement and their incessant accusations of the leaders of the opposition organizations of fascism.
In the previous action “Our Victory” on May 15, 2005, 60 thousand people took part (for it Leninsky Prospect in Moscow was closed off ); 25 thousand shares took part in the action on Vasilyevsky Spusk (Moscow) dedicated to the tragedy in Beslan. Actions dedicated to the fight against racism were held in Voronezh on October 23, 2005 and in Nizhny Novgorod on February 28, 2006.
Several times, the members of the Nashi movement had to deal in violent confrontation with the participants of the pro-fascist organizations. At the same time, representatives of ultra-right groups repeatedly penetrated the Nashi rally.

Nashi and Movement Against Illegal Immigration

According to the statement of the leader of the Movement Against Illegal Immigration A. Belov-Potkin, during 2005 his organization existed at the expense of the Nashi movement. According to Potkin, Nashi appealed to the Movement Against Illegal Immigration with a request to help in organizing the national teams. “They provided us with the removal of the training hall, lectures given by well-known nationalists, telephones, computers, and salaries were given to several people. But when we began to speak on behalf of the Movement Against Illegal Immigration, that we are carrying out raids and so on, "Our" immediately removed us from the allowances. ". [14]

"Our" against bullying

On April 16, 2006, at the Nashi congress in Moscow, Chief of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense Yury Baluevsky asked members of the movement to support the plans of the Ministry of Defense to raise the prestige of the Russian army.
On July 18, 2006, the second two-week rally of the Nashi movement opened on Lake Seliger, which was attended by 5,400 commissars, activists and supporters of the movement from 50 cities.
In addition to the mandatory classes in anti-fascism, patriotism, the organization of mass actions and ideology, a platform of the new program of the movement “Our Army” operated at Seliger. In accordance with this program, activists of the draft age movement will be sent to military units by "teams" in order to reveal the presence of non-statutory relations and successfully overcome them.
For the first one and a half years of work, the Our Army program sent over 500 graduates to military units from different regions of Russia. These are 50 teams from 20 regions of Russia in 50 military units of almost all types and types of troops, practically throughout the entire territory of Russia. [15] It was originally planned that this project will work closely with the Ministry of Defense and even help change existing legislation, but due to the change in doctrine and the massive transfer of the army to a contract basis, the need for such an event has disappeared.

Nashi and the British Ambassador

The British embassy in early 2007 demanded that the Russian authorities ensure the safety of British Ambassador Anthony Brenton and stop his pressure by activists of the Nashi movement, organized after the diplomat’s participation in the Other Russia conference in July 2006. In his speech, the ambassador, as alleged in the appeal of Nashi, said that the Civil Forum “Other Russia” contributes to the development of civil society in Russia, and also said that the United Kingdom intends to highlight in support of the activities of “Other Russia” no source ] a million pounds, stating that the money allegedly "will help Russia become richer, stronger and freer" [16](according to Interfax , the ambassador spoke about the financing of Russian NGOs [17] ). After this speech, Nashi accused Anthony Brenton of “considering us, as Hitler believed , to be non-human Untermensch,” [18] and demanded an apology. Not having received them, Nashi activists launched single pickets at the embassy building, which later turned into real persecution. In October 2006, the ambassador was bombarded with leaflets in Nizhny Novgorod, accusing him of supporting “supporters of the ideas of Mussolini and Hitler,” and in December this action was repeated in Ulyanovsk.
In an interview with the Financial Times newspaper, Ambassador Brenton made an unfounded assumption that Nashi received information about his plans and movements from the Russian special services, since "Our behavior" goes far beyond peaceful protest "and creates a threat to its security and the safety of others. At the same time, the peaceful pickets of the Nashi movement were attacked at least twice by ambassadors ’guards who had beaten commissioners. [nineteen]
On January 17, 2007 , Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was forced to meet with the leader of the movement, Vasily Yakemenko, and ask him not to violate Russia's international obligations. Yakemenko, however, said that the actions would continue, promising that participants in the movement would not violate the requirements of the Vienna Convention .
On December 5, 2007, Nashi activists held a picket outside the British Embassy in Moscow. Through the security of the embassy, ​​they handed over a letter addressed to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, demanding that Ambassador Anthony Brenton be recalled that he “originally ordered a million pounds allocated to support civil society in Russia,” spending “on a very strange gathering of fascists , thieves, rogues and losers called "Other Russia". " [20]
March 28, 2008 Anthony Brenton as the ambassador of Great Britain to Russia was replaced by Ann Pringle. The youth movement Nashi recorded this victory on its own account.

"Our" and the annual camp Seliger

Lecture in the open air. Seliger 2007. About 10,000 people.
Since 2005, "OURS" hold an annual summer camp on Lake Seliger in the Tver region. The camp lasts two weeks from July 15 to August 1. The main task is the rallying of the asset, meetings with prominent political figures, analysts and representatives of the executive and legislative authorities of the country, active leisure, self-organization and self-education of the asset, work in areas.
The number of the Seliger-2005 camp is 3,000 activists, the Seliger-2006 is 5400 activists, and the Seliger-2007 is about 10,000 people.
Among the active forms of recreation on Seliger there is a climbing wall, there are kayaks, bicycles. Evening concerts of invited groups were practiced at “Seliger 2005”, however, due to excessive workload of activists, at the “Seliger 2006” organizers limited themselves to one big concert. At various times, the camp was attended with concerts by the group " Lyube ", Vyacheslav Butusov , " Night Snipers ", Zemfira and about 20 more groups and performers.
Among the guests of the camp, the first deputy prime ministers of the Russian government Dmitry Medvedev and Sergey Ivanov , the governor of the Tver region Dmitry Zelenin , the governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev , the head of the Committee of the Federation Council on international affairs Mikhail Margelov, the chairman of the Committee of the State Duma on CIS Affairs and Relations with compatriots Andrei Kokoshin , father Vsevolod Chaplin , Sheikh Muhammad Karachai, the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Khloponin , the head of government echenskoy Republic(now - the president of the republic) , Ramzan Kadyrov, Head of the United Russia Party Central Executive Committee Andrei Vorobyev, Professor at the University of Cambridge Michael Demster, Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Alexei Chadayev , Deputy Chairman of the State Duma for Energy, Transport and Communication Sergey Shishkarev, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Nikolai Pankov , publicist Sergey Kara-Murza, other public and political figures, employees of executive and legislative power, political scientists, scientists and famous teachers.
According to Vlast, in 2007 the budget of the camp on Lake Seliger was about 17 million euros. At the same time, about 700 people were expelled from the camp for various violations of discipline, absenteeism of lectures or some kind of mandatory activities. [11] Also, Nashi was accused of pollution of the coastal zone of the lake. After July 28 (the last day of the camp), the camp territory was not cleaned, where uneaten food, tables and benches of their own making, propaganda literature, writings about sovereign democracy and empty bottles were left. Only after complaints from residents of the nearby town of Ostashkovand tourists sent to the administration of the Ostashkov district, an inspection was carried out, as a result of which the fact of pollution was recognized by Rosprirodnadzor. The head of Rosprirodnadzor spoke about this:
What can I say: if we are talking about educating the younger generation, how can we educate using the “nasvinyachil and left” technology?
However, the activists of the movement itself stated that the activists of the youth wing of “Fair Russia” planted trash on Seliger in order to discredit them. And the very movement "Our", all the waste of their livelihood for a clean. The movement also demanded a “newspaper. Ru ”denials of information about the presence of garbage and threatened to otherwise sue.
Only almost a month later, on August 24, the commission recognized the condition of the zone where the camp was located as satisfactory. [21]

“Ours” and the situation around Estonia

In late April - early May 2007, activists of the Nashi movement for six days blocked the Estonian embassy in Moscow in protest against the transfer of the Bronze Soldier to a military cemetery. During the rally, force actions were carried out, such as the seizure of the editorial office of the newspaper Argumenty i Fakty with the aim of disrupting the press conference of the Estonian ambassador [22] and attacks on ambassadorial cars (including the ambassador’s car, which they damaged ). [23] The situation created forced the Estonian Foreign Ministry to evacuate families of diplomatic workers. [24]
On May 4, 2007, members of the movement held a “School March” at the European Commission office on Kadashevskaya Embankment in Moscow, protesting against the detention in Tallinn on April 27, themorning after the riots caused by the dismantling of the Bronze Soldier, 17-year-old Estonian activist Mark Siryk , who “Ours” is called the “first political prisoner-schoolboy”. Mark Siryk, an 11th grade student, leads a group of Nashi supporters in Estonia. [25]
In the summer, activists of the movement organized a collection of signatures calling for the dismantling of the Estonian embassy in Moscow and the allocation of a building under the embassy on the outskirts of Moscow - similar to the way the Estonian authorities dealt with the Bronze Soldier.
Since May 21, 2007, the public campaign “Freedom to Mark” was held for the release of Mark Siryk. In addition, for several days, every quarter of an hour from morning to evening, a bell broke out on European democracy at the European Commission office in Moscow and at the European Commission building in Brussels.
On June 13, Mark Siryk was released on a written undertaking not to leave the city, forbidding to communicate with journalists and disclose details of detention and details of the process. Since June 14, Nashi, in the framework of the public campaign “Freedom for Mark!”, Has been seeking to drop all charges against Mark Siryk and two other “prisoners of conscience” activists of the Night Watch organization Maxim Reva and Dmitry Linter.
The result of the anti-Estonian speeches was to close the movement of entry to Estonia for the activists, and with the entry of Estonia into the Schengen zone ( January 1, 2008 ) - and into all EU countries . "Our" expressed a strong protest against the fact that they "were denied the opportunity to visit certain European countries without giving reasons," and called it "lawlessness".
On January 9, 2008, about 300 Nashi activists held a protest action at the European Commission office in Moscow; they were forced to disperse at the request of the police, but then the movement’s commissar, Mariana Skvortsova, who did not miss the Russian-Finnish border, held a single picket there. [26]

Nashi vs Kommersant

On January 29, 2008, shortly before the presidential election, the article "Ours" became strangers was published in the newspaper Kommersant. The article cited speculations that the Nashi movement would reduce activity and change its format. Referring to unverified sources in the Presidential Administration, the newspaper explained this event by saying that the Nashi movement is no longer planned to be actively used for political purposes: “In the current election campaign, the help of Nashi will not be needed. In the new political configuration, with the current results, the jubilant crowd is not needed. ” [27]
On March 4, an initiative group of young people organized an action, a picket, outside the Kommersant Publishing House, during which a group of young people distributed toilet rolls of paper to passersby, on which excerpts from Kommersant and Word of the Editor were printed, allegedly signed by the “chief editor »Editions. Similar actions took place in other parts of Moscow, in the streets and subway stations. [28]
On the same day, an instruction was posted on the Internet resources, the authorship of which is attempted to be attributed to the leaders of the Nashi movement - a kind of "plan of revenge" for the publication of January 29, "Ours have become strangers" and especially for the offensive comparisons given in this article. " In the morning, the Kommersant website was subjected to a hacker attack.
March 5, the action continued. The website of the Kommersant newspaper was again subjected to a hacker attack, and the authors of the action started sending out spam - Internet messages signed by the editor-in-chief of the Kommersant newspaper Andrey Vasilyev and sent as indicated in messages from the corporate address
On March 6, the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda published a statement by one of the leaders of the Nashi movement, Boris Yakimenko (brother Vasily Yakemenko), in which he called the campaign "the newspaper's advertising campaign." [29]

Agency activity "Our"

In February 2009, the St. Petersburg organization of the youth movement " Defense " revealed an entire network of agents, which for many years operated in the ranks of opposition movements. [30] Anna Bukovskaya, an activist of the Nashi movement, publicly admitted that she was in charge of the “Messenger of the President” project in which the agents of this movement secretly infiltrated the ranks of the United National Front , Defense , Youth Apple , the NBP and other opposition movements.
“... I told all the facts about the closed state project“ The President’s Messenger ”. I consider this act on my part to be fully justified, logical and correct. And this project is a stupid game of the current government, and I regret my participation in it, ”writes third-year student of the federal course,“ Nashi ”president’s federal project manager, a third-year student, Anna Bukovskaya.
Paid informants "worked" in several cities of Russia, for the collection of information, according to their confessions, ordinary agents received 20 thousand rubles a month, and curators - 40 thousand. According to the newspaper Zaks.Ru, in general, the content of presidential informants should have cost the state more than 10 million rubles a year. [31]
Anna Bukovskaya reports:
From the confessions of another Nashi agent, Vladimir Bynkin:
I came to the "Defense" to merge information. I poured information about all the events on which I had been or knew something. For this, I received about 20,000 rubles a month. I needed money. Unfortunately, the more I became closer to the organization, the more my conscience tormented me. After another change of format (in February 2009), when compromising information was required, I stopped working. I have nothing more to say. I was wrong.
According to young pro-Kremlin agents, the information gathered was sent to Vladislav Surkov, the first deputy head of the presidential administration. [31]

"Liquidation" of the Nashi movement

Despite the conflict with Kommersant, some of the data in the article “Ours“ have become alien ”have been confirmed. It stated with reference to the new leader of the organization, Nikita Borovikov (who headed the movement after the appointment of Vasily Yakemenko at the end of 2007 as head of the State Committee for Youth Affairs), that the movement would partially change its structure - some regional branches of the movement will be transformed and will be able to participate only in independent public projects - “Our Army”, “Voluntary Youth Brigade”, “Orthodox Corps”, “Friendship Lessons”, etc. This decision, according to Borovikov, is due to that "the threat of the Orange Revolution is no more, so we can focus on other things." [27]
According to political analyst Stanislav Belkovsky , the reorganization of the movement was caused by the wish of President Putin, since their overly active actions (in particular with regard to the diplomatic representatives of Great Britain and Estonia) caused “problems with the West”. “In addition, Nashi was created as a counterweight to the Orange threat. That is, as a structure under anti-Western slogans, which is able to occupy the Maidan and prevent a revolution. Now the "orange" fears have dried up, and "Ours" had to be rebuilt under the changed realities. "
Despite the claims of the Kommersant publication, the Nashi movement has not dissolved. Like many social and political organizations in Russia, after the end of the 2007–2008 electoral cycle, they reduced their activity. But the activity did not stop. The movement fulfilled its tasks and moved to a new, intellectual level. (see Nashi’s agent activity ) The leader of the movement is Nikita Borovikov, who replaced Vasily Yakimenko who had gone to the State Committee on Youth Affairs. Vasily Yakemenko still remains the ideological leader of Nashi. Operational management is carried out within the framework of two “contours”: intellectual-innovative and mass-patriotic.
The movement was decorated “Commissioner community” - an association of activists who have undergone a certain dedication. Within this community, work is carried out aimed at achieving the goal and objectives outlined in the Manifesto of the Movement. A number of commissioners occupied significant posts:

Separate shares of "Our"

Campground observers for the referendum in Transnistria from the youth movement "Our"
  • May 14, 2005 - the action "OUR VICTORY" in which, according to various sources, from 50,000 to 80,000 people took part. Devoted to the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the first mass action of the Nashi movement.
  • September 3, 2005 - “A rally of silence” in memory of the anniversary of the terrorist attack in Beslan . Over 100,000 activists across the country. The action was organized by the Nashi movement, but the symbolism of the Movement did not appear anywhere.
  • November 4, 2005 - "100,000 good deeds." 100,000 people took part in the action across the country. Dedicated to the Day of National Unity. By the beginning of the action, a brochure of the same name was published, in which all its participants were listed, indicating the planned cases and addresses, everyone could come to check or join.
  • December 17, 2006 - the action “Returned Holiday”, in which more than 70,000 Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens took part. The participants of the action congratulated the veterans on the New Year and handed them gifts, collected or made by themselves.
  • March 25, 2007 - a two-day rally "The Messenger of the President", which was attended by at least 10,000 activists and commissioners of the movement "OURS". The protesters interviewed Muscovites and guests of the capital regarding their attitude towards President Putin’s policies.
  • August 2007 - a two-week historical and patriotic cycle marathon "Freedom Road 2007", dedicated to the 395th anniversary of the first battle of the militia of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky with the Polish-Lithuanian troops. Route - Nizhny Novgorod - Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo - Vladimir - Moscow.
  • December 3 - 6, 2007 - mass actions in Moscow dedicated to the elections to the State Duma and to the “election of Vladimir Putin as the national leader of Russia”. According to activists, the actions were a kind of “civilian control” and were designed to prevent the “orange revolution” from recurring in Russia. At the same time, on December 6, the creation of the children's movement “ Bears ” was announced for children from 8 to 15 years old, and the first mass action was held with the participation of children. The teddy bears are the Nashi commissioners. [32] 
    The fact of the exploitation by “Our” of minor children caused bewilderment among their opponents. So Moscow City Duma deputy Yevgeny Bunimovich said:
Boris Nemtsov , at that time a member of the political council of the SPSparty , commented on the December standing of Nashi on the streets and squares of Moscow:

The criminal activities of Nashi activists

In March 2009, an activist of the Nashi movement, a citizen of Kopylov, attempted to bribe employees of the editorial staff of Novaya Gazeta in order to change its editorial policy. The editorial staff invited to the next meeting with a fraudster of law enforcement officials, and the offender was taken red-handed at the time of transfer of money. [33]
On March 31, 2009, criminal case No. 377328 was opened against an activist of the Nashi movement under article 204, part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (commercial bribery). In the days following these events, provocative acts began to be committed against the newspaper’s editorial office. A parcel with a bloody piece of meat arrived at the editorial office. An envelope with a sticker “President’s Administration of the Russian Federation” was placed in the editorial office. : “You will not get rid of surveillance. Now there are hundreds of us, and our hands are untied, ”and other provocative acts were committed. [34]


"Our" sometimes use quite active and unique methods of dealing with their opponents. Thus, on several occasions, movement activists carried out attacks on opponents' cars with the help of a rake, throwing them under the wheels, thereby disrupting law and order and disturbing other road users. [35]
Supporters of the “National Bolsheviks” accuse “Ours” of the hard pressure of the activists of this organization (“Ours” themselves reject their involvement). [36] [37] [38]
Also, the “National Bolsheviks” note the unclear origin and lack of control over a part of the funds, which, in their opinion, are spent on the shares of “Ours”. “Unfortunately, its financial sources (organizations) are unknown to us, and the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Vladislav Surkov  , a person who has more resources than any American trade union boss, acted as the founder of Nashi,” said American analyst Reyben F. Johnson. . [39]
On March 23, 2009, in Sochi , one of the leaders of the Solidaritymovement, a candidate for mayor of Sochi, Boris Nemtsov , members of his campaign headquarters, and journalists who accompanied them, was attacked Several young people doused them with liquid containing ammonia.
The Solidarity movement accused Nashi activists of organizing this attack. [40] The official statement issued by Solidarity states in particular:
It is not a secret to anyone that the “godfather” of all pro-Kremlin youth groups is the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration of Russia, Vladislav Surkov. We do not know whether Mr. Surkov gave personal instructions to his wards about provocative bandit actions against Boris Nemtsov. This will have to figure out the consequence. And, sooner or later, it will find out. But today we are already warning Mr. Surkov about personal criminal responsibility for all acts committed by members of gangs under his jurisdiction.
A spokeswoman for the Nashi movement, Kristina Potupchik, on the attack on Boris Nemtsov, said: "We have not done this and have no relation to this." At the moment, the Nashi movement is suing Boris Nemtsov on the fact of “damage to honor and dignity” of the Movement. [41]


see also


Vladimir Putin

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